Face to Face meetings arranged in Southwest , Barwon , Otway, Southern Grampians & Glenelg Shires
Face to Face meetings arranged in Southwest , Barwon , Otway, Southern Grampians & Glenelg Shires
Our Services
Specialist Support Coordination : Level 3
( Registered NDIS Provider)
Specialist support coordination is a higher level of support. The focus is on reducing complexity in the participant’s support environment and helping the participant overcome immediate and/or significant barriers in plan implementation.
Specialist support coordination helps participants:
address complex barriers that affect their access to supports
design a service plan for their support needs, where appropriate.
Support Coordination : Level 2
( Registered NDIS Provider)
Funding is provided to assist NDIS participants implement their plans, discuss services and supports to best meet their goals, complete referrals and liaise with service providers.
Here is an example of a Support Coordination Budget: eg $7000 for the year @ $100.14 per hour as stated in the NDIS Price Guide. This means approx. 70 hours funded support coordination for the year, which can be utilised flexibly. Some weeks this will mean 1 hour of support and other weeks 5 hours. Support Coordination is dynamic and changes from week to week depending on the situation. Support Coordinators will only bill for the hours worked.
Total Care Team is an NDIA registered provider for Specialist Support Coordination Level 3 ; Support Coordination level 2; Psychosocial Recovery Coaching ; Occupational Therapy , Counselling/Social Work & Life Skills Development and Early Childhood Supports .
Total Care Team currently has 6 Support Coordinators available & ready to assist you. Give us a call today!
Psychosocial Recovery Coach:
( Registered NDIS Provider)
A recovery Coach is an NDIS funder worker that has mental health knowledge. A recovery coach will;
spend time with you, and people important to you , to get to know you and understand your needs
help you to find out about different services and supports , and how these can help you
help to get support from mental health services
help you better understand the NDIS and support you with the NDIS .
Social Work: Counselling (Therapeutic Support )
( Registered NDIS Provider)
Total Care Team is excited to announce the provision of Therapeutic Support. As Social Workers we can assist you to identify and overcome barriers, develop your self management skills, focus on maintaining and enhancing your quality of life to facilitate empowerment and assist NDIS participants and their families.
Pauline is available and ready to assist you to improve your Wellbeing . Give us a call today !
Occupational Therapy ( Therapeutic Support)
( Registered NDIS Provider)
Total Care Team is excited to announce the provision of Occupational Therapy . Total Care Team Occupational Therapist can identify and assess ways to assist you to live the life you want, reduce barriers in both your home or community , make recommendations for equipment and home modifications . Give us a call or complete a referral form and we can provide more information & discuss your needs.
Therapy Assistance
( Registered NDIS Provider)
Total Care Teams Allied Health Assistant works under the direction of an allied health professional and this is usually on goal-based therapy for participants. Tasks can include providing & encouraging completion of specific treatment plans related to disability issues.
Lisa is available and ready to assist so please contact us today!
Navigating the NDIS
Total Care Team is able to support you to access the NDIS. With over 5 years experience working with NDIS participants Total Care Team have a thorough understanding of most things NDIS.
Online Support Coordination, Social Work & Occupational Therapy
( Remote Support : Video Conferencing)
( Registered NDIS Provider)
Total Care Team now provide online Services including :Support Coordination, Social Work & Occupational Therapy (Therapeutic Support) via the web including : Zoom , Microsoft Teams , Facebook Messaging , Phone and Text . All you need is a computer , tablet or phone.
We have Support Coordinators , Social Workers & Occupational Therapists waiting to help, no matter where you are!
The benefits are: no travel time or travel expenses, you can stay in your own home and meet with us, no matter where you are with less stress and worry.